Wondering if you should try intermittent fasting to lose weight? Registered Dietitian Whitney English explains that the claim that intermittent fasting can ...
Immunity is on the minds of all of us these days, for all the reasons. If you’re looking to give your immune system a bit of a boost — in addition to getting ...
When Cam Summerson’s son needed his help, the only way he could give it was by losing weight. The post How Cam’s Weight Loss and Fitness Journey Saved His ...
Do a search for “full-body workout” on the interwebs and you will get A LOT of suggestions.Many of them require equipment … or complicated rep schemes … or ...
Na’Quisha tied her weight to her happiness, until she realized self-love is much deeper than physical appearances. The post Na’Quisha Lost the Weight, But ...
There’s not much I love as much as getting out in nature and being active, and, although the last (*counts on fingers*) 20 months or so have been incredibly ...
When Jacob’s wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he knew his health needed to take first priority for the sake of their two children. The post How ...
One of the things I learned in my wine education studies (and, hey, I’m officially WSET-2 certified with distinction now — woot!) was learning the basics of ...
Kevin turned to food for comfort as he dealt with the death of his father. He chose a healthier path when his sister was diagnosed with cancer. The post What ...
One of our favorite fitness experts is Sean Vigue (remember the awesome workouts he’s done for us?). And, guess what?! He has a new book out!Pilates for ...
Dawn Smith wasn’t happy about her weight. Watch how one wrong step put her on the path to a healthier life. The post How a Snake Bite and Self-Love Motivated ...
If I had a dime for every time, over the past two years, someone asked me for advice on working from home … well, I wouldn’t need to work from home anymore, ...